SAYT Summer Courses 2024
China Aerospace Education Programme
中國航天教育課程Off-school Advanced Learning Programme (2023/24 school year)(funded by Gifted Education Fund) 課程編號:2023-11(適合中學生)Programme No. 2023-11 (For secondary students) 課程提供機構Programme Provider 香港中文大學理學院Faculty of Science, The Chinese University of Hong...
18th Lau Oi Wah Memorial Science Lecture Series
How Nobel Prizes Are Won
SAYT Autumn Courses 2023
Enrichment Programme for Young Mathematics Talents 2023
SAYT Summer Courses 2023
17th Lau Oi Wah Memorial Science Lecture Series
Symposium for Scientific Training and Mentoring for STEM Talents
「STEM英才科學訓練及培育」專題研討會 Symposium of “Scientific Training and Mentoring for STEM Talents” Booklet 書刊 Album 相簿 「STEM英才科學訓練及培育」訓練計劃已完滿結束,14位於第二階段課程中表現優秀的同學可進入第三階段,並在大學教授的指導下進行研究學習。而專題研討會亦已於12月11日順利舉行。當日活動除邀請同學的導師外,亦邀請了家長及中學老師參與,以分享同學的學習成果。 The training programme was...
Scientific Training and Mentoring for STEM Talents
STEM 英才科學訓練及培育 課程編號 : 2019-003 (適合中四至中六同學)Programme No. 2019-003 (suitable for form 4 to form 6 students) 香港中文大學理學院得到資優教育基金資助,為資優學生推出三層訓練計劃,並為他們提供優質的校外科學和數學訓練,計劃詳情如下:Funded by the Gifted Education Fund, the Faculty of Science of CUHK will launch a 3-tiers...