Faculty of Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) - Prof. YAO Xiaoqiang (28 April 2010)


TRP channels – multifaceted biosensors

Date: 28 April 2010 (Wednesday)
Time: 12:30pm
Venue: 126, C N Yang Reading Room, Science Centre North Block
Speaker: Prof. YAO Xiaoqiang, Professor, School of Biomedical Sciences, CUHK

Abstract: TRP (transient receptor potential) channels are cationic ion channels that function as cellular sensors to perceive and respond to many environmental stimuli including temperature, taste, mechanical pressure, osmolarity, pain and pheromones. In this talk, I will discuss possible role of TRP channels as flow sensor to detect the hymodynamic blood flow and as a pressure sensor to detect blood pressure. A number of methods used to study the channels will be discussed. These
include patch clamp, fluorescence Ca2+ imaging, fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), blocking antibody targeted at pore-region of ion channels, and molecular technology. Both at molecular level, cellular level and whole animal levels will be discussed.

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