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Research Highlights

Date Research Highlight
8 May 2023

CUHK reveals how Helicobacter pylori ‘smuggles’ a toxic metal for its survival [Details]

Prof. WONG Kam Bo (School of Life Sciences)

15 Mar 2023

CUHK study shows enhanced insulin-regulated immune function supports extreme health span and longevity [Details]

Prof. CHOW Hei Man Kim (School of Life Sciences)

17 Jan 2023

New CUHK research takes magic of invisibility cloak and creates a mega device – potential applications span novel cell culture and drug delivery [Details]

Prof. XU Lei (Department of Physics)

15 Dec 2022

CUHK physics team discovers a new surprising form of bacterial teamwork that builds “bacterial canals” to transport materials over long distances [Details]

Prof. WU Yilin (Department of Physics)

28 Jul 2022

CUHK devises new CO2 recycling electrolyser as part of journey towards carbon neutrality [Details]

Prof. WANG Ying (Department of Chemistry)

23 Jun 2022

Genetic identification to preserve local heirloom rice varieties and facilitate their reintroduction in Hong Kong [Details]

Prof. LAM Hon Ming (School of Life Sciences)

9 Jun 2022

CUHK leads Hong Kong physicists to contribute to the Daya Bay reactor neutrino experiment producing the most precise neutrino measurement ever [Details]

Prof. CHU Ming Chung  (Department of Physics)

8 Jun 2022

CUHK palaeontologist first to reveal a dinosaur belly button using laser imaging [Details]

Prof. PITTMAN Michael David  (School of Life Sciences)

30 May 2022

CUHK builds a genome bank of myriapods offering clues to the divergent behaviours of centipedes and millipedes [Details]

Prof. HUI Ho Lam Jerome (School of Life Sciences)

26 May 2022

Event Horizon Telescope reveals the first image of the black hole at the Milky Way’s heart CUHK the only institution in Hong Kong involved in the collaboration [Details]

Dr. LEUNG Po Kin (Department of Physics)

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