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Alumni News

Sci-by-side from the Faculty of Science

Featuring alumni events and a column of our alumni submissions of the latest news and updates.

CUHK Alumni Magazine from the Alumni Affairs Office

Know more about our eminent alumni from the “CU Alumni” quarterly magazine. The following content is consolidated from CUHK Alumni Magazine (Chinese version only):

日期 標題
(Jun 2024)

推動企業實踐 ESG 李雅詩成功秘訣在換位思考 [Details]

Ms. LEE Nga Sze (NA/Environmental Science)
Issue 118 (Jun 2024)

(Jun 2024)

研發人工礁盤拯救珊瑚族群 余碧芬勇闖中東修復海洋多樣性 [Details]

Ms. YU Pik Fan Vriko (SC/Natural Sciences)
Issue 118 (Jun 2024)

(Mar 2024)

科研注入運動產品 馬振安 張德文力證香港製造品質俱優 [Details]

Mr. MA Chun On (SC/Physics)
Issue 117 (Mar 2024)

(Mar 2024)

醉心研究化學合成藥物 吳濰龍一切由醣開始 [Details]

Prof. NG Wai Lung (UC/Chemistry; GS/Ph.D. in Chemistry)
Issue 117 (Mar 2024)

(Mar 2024)

梁景強 高紫萍 結緣於學生會 女兒修讀人力資源 學以致用 [Details]

Mr. LEUNG King Keung (NA/Mathematics)
Issue 117 (Mar 2024)

(Dec 2023)

跳出實驗室和舒適區 林建邦將科研落地提升公共衞生 [Details]

Mr. LAM Kin Bong Hubert (UC/Biochemistry)
Issue 116 (Dec 2023)

(Mar 2023)

林漢明與妻女深耕紫霞樓 以關懷和歡笑滋養宿生 [Details]

Prof. LAM Hon Ming (NA/Biology; GS/Biology)
Issue 113 (Mar 2023)

[Further Reading]
Our Eminent Scientists @ CUHK: Perseverance in Bringing Soybean Home and Reaching Out to the World

(Mar 2023)

以幹細胞助身體組織再生 陳活彜為神經肌肉 骨骼開發整全方案 [Details]

Prof. CHAN Wood Yee Woody (UC/Biochemistry; GS/Biochemistry)
Issue 113 (Mar 2023)

(Dec 2022)

生產環保口罩 售價低至四元 于紹龍成功研發可降解物料 [Details]

Mr. YU Siu Lung Eddie (UC/Physics)
Issue 112 (Dec 2022)

[Further Reading]
Eddie Yu: All or Nothing

(Jun 2022)

由NGO走入聯合國難民公署 關凱文學懂尊重不同文化及背景 [Details]

Ms. KWAN Hoi Man Sherman (UC/Physics)
Issue 110 (Jun 2022)

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