SAYT Membership

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SAYT Membership

少年英才科學院 會員帳號

By joining the SAYT membership, you will receive the latest course details and also the information of promotional activities hold by the Centre for Promoting Science Education, Faculty of Science. To create the SAYT account, you may need to enter your name, email address as well as your HKID card no. for registration purpose.

* If the information provided for making the SAYT membership is incorrect, the membership will be automatically deleted from the system without further notice.

加入成為SAYT會員,你不僅可以接收到最新的課程資訊,還可獲得由香港中文大學理學院 及 科學學院促進科學教育中心 舉辦的活動最新信息。在建立會員帳號時,你只須輸入你的姓名、電話及身份證號碼作登記之用。

* 如所提供的資料不正確,該會員帳號將有可能從系統中自動刪除而不作另行通知。

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