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1. What is SAYT Courses?

Science Academy for Young Talent is established by the Faculty of Science, CUHK in 2010. It aims at nurturing secondary school students who are talented in science by providing them with different enrichment courses. Courses offered in the Academy are organised by different departments or units in the Faculty. Students’ efforts are recognised in terms of university credit exemptions or award of certificates, depending on the category that the course belongs to.


2. What is the difference between University-credit bearing and Academy-credit bearing course?

Courses under SAYT can be grouped into two categories, for University-credit bearing course, students who complete the course and meet its requirement will be granted the no. of credits (depending on the course) that they can opt for credit exemption when studying at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. While for Academy-credit bearing course, students can accumulate the credits, which will be regards as “Other Learning Experience” when applying University.

學院開辦的課程大致分為兩類,「大學學分課程」指 學生完成課程並達到科目要求,可保留大學學分,將來入讀中大時可申請豁免選修/指定科目學分。而 「學院學分課程」則指 學生可記錄獲頒授的學分,在他們報考大學及相關課程時用作證明其在中學課程外的科學學習經驗。

3. When is the application period and where will the courses take place?

Summer Program
Application Period: March-May
Course Commencement: July-August
Courses will be arranged on weekdays or Saturdays at the CUHK campus.

Autumn Program
Application Period: August-September
Course Commencement: October-December
Courses will be arranged on Saturdays at the CUHK campus.



4. What qualifications do I need in order to apply for SAYT courses?

We currently only offer courses to students studying in Form 1 to Form 6, and all students in this range can choose courses based on the specific requirements of each course and their own interests.


5. What courses does SAYT offer? Can I apply for more than one course at a time?

The Academy offers a variety of courses to secondary school students in the areas of Chemistry, Life Sciences, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics and Earth and Environmental Sciences. You are advised to consider your areas of interest, strengths and time commitment when applying for more than one courses.


6. How can I apply for the SAYT courses?
You can apply for SAYT courses by individual or by school recommendation. If you choose the latter one, please ask your school teacher to fill out the application form. Applicants may apply for one or more courses based on their grade levels and interests. Detailed information about each course can be viewed and downloaded on this webpage.


7. What documents do I need to include in my application? Is there an application fee?
You are required to complete the online application form and upload a copy of your Student ID Card or Student Handbook (personal particulars page) for verification of student identity (compulsory). Additionally, you need to submit a copy of your latest school report, any related certificates or awards, and a school/teacher recommendation letter (optional). In addition, you have to settle the application fee of HKD$50 for each application form.


8. How many students are there in each class?
The class size of courses varies depending on the nature of the course. Normally, the class size will be around 30-50 students.


9. How much is the course fee?
The course fee of courses varies depending on the duration and nature of the course. It ranges from around HK$1,000 to HK$4,000.


10. Whether there is any financial assistance to be provided?
Applicants who have financial difficulties may apply for fee remission. For applicants who receive Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA), they may be granted 75% fee remission. For those who receive The School Textbook Assistance (TA) Scheme from Student Finance Office of HKSAR or The Student Travel Subsidy (STS) Scheme from Student Finance Office of HKSAR, they may be granted 50% tuition fee reduction. The Academy reserves the right to reject the application of course fee remission.


11. How to fill in the Application Form?
Applicants can choose up to three courses, based on their preferences, in each application. An application fee will be charged for each application, and the fee is non-refundable. Successful applicants will only be offered ONE course for each application. If you wish to apply for more than one course, please submit separate applications. Please ensure that you are applying for courses that are suitable for your current grade level. Applicants may apply for one or more courses based on their grade levels and interests.
If an applicant chooses only one course and which is eventually not being selected by teacher, the application will be considered as unsuccessful. If the applicant fills in the second and third choices, in case the first choice is unsuccessful, their second and third choices will be considered correspondingly.

申請人於每份報名最多可按個人意願選擇三個課程。每份報名需繳付報名費,已繳交的報名費均不獲退還。 如遴選成功,每份報名只會獲其中一個課程取錄。如欲於同期修讀多於一個課程,請提交多份報名申請,並留意各課程的上課日期和時間,避免時間重疊。請選擇適合您年級的課程。申請人可以根據自己的興趣和年級,在報名表上填寫希望報讀的課程。

12. What will SAYT consider in the selection procedure?
Each application will be considered carefully by the course teacher. Selection is based on the applicant’s academic performance, interests, recommendation from school and any other evidence demonstrating the applicant’s talents and potential (such as awards, prizes, or other recognitions) and/or screening test (or other selection procedure), depending on the requirements of each course. Applicants will be individually notified of their application results via email and online application system.


13. Will I obtain certificate upon completion of the course?
Students who attended 75% or above and pass in the assessments will be granted the “Certificate of Distinction” or “Certificate of Merit” depending on their assessment performance while those who only fulfil the attendance requirement but fail in the assessment will be granted the “Certificate of Attendance”. Nil certificate will be issued to students who fail to meet both the attendance and assessment requirements.


14. I'm in Secondary 3, can I apply for the course that is suitable for Secondary 5 or 6 students?
Our courses are designed in accordance to the abilities of students in each particular grade. Therefore, we do not recommend students to apply for course which is above their grade levels. However, exceptions might be made for those who show very outstanding potential.


15. Can I get back the photos being taken during the courses?
We will upload the snapshots on “Activity Photo” in SAYT website/facebook after the completion of the courses.


16. Apart from summer and autumn courses, does SAYT offer any other services?

You can subscribe to our mailing list to become our member. By doing so, you will receive the latest course details, as well as information about promotional activities organized by the Centre for Promoting Science Education, Faculty of Science. This includes Science Talks, Lecture Series, and other upcoming admission activities.

您可以提交相關的聯絡資料予我們,我們將為閣下提供一系列最新信息。您將收到最新的課程資料,以及由香港中文大學理學院 及促進科學教育中心 舉辦的活動的最新信息。 這些活動包括科學講座、系列講座和其他即將舉行的招生活動等。

SUBSCRIBE US: https://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/webform/view.php?id=13682068

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