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CUSA1061 Innovative Chemistry STEM Programme: Can Chemistry Save the World?
Category: Category II – Academy Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Science Academy for Young Talent, Faculty of Science, CUHK
Department of Chemistry, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S5-S6
Recognition: 1.5 Academy unit(s)
Organising Period: 2022/08, 2023/08
CUSA1071 How Chemistry Works
Content: This course is designed for students to learn about some fundamental chemical principles, and some general chemical knowledge related to our daily lives. This course allows students to understand how chemistry works in various daily life situations. Students will learn the basic principles of chemistry including atoms and molecules, structure and chemical bondings, molecular geometry and properties, spectroscopy, fluorescence and phosphorescence and the uses of modern methods to carry out chemical analysis, etc. This course includes lectures and hand-on experimental sessions.


Category: Category II – Academy Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Department of Chemistry, CUHK
Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S1-S3
Recognition: 0.75-1.25 Academy unit(s)
Organising Period: 2021/08, 2022/08, 2023/08, 2024/07
CUSA1091 Artistic and Colourful Chemistry
Content: This course combines the disciplines of science and culture, and aims to provide students with fundamental understanding on the nature of science and their influences on our culture and daily life.

This course aims to provide students, who have a knowledge of the principles of chemistry, an overview on the mechanism of perceiving colors, the production of various classes of dyes and pigments, including their corresponding applications. Graphics, demonstrations, and project presentations are the major elements of interactive learning environment in this course.



Category: Category II – Academy Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Department of Chemistry, CUHK
Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S3-S6
Recognition: 1.25 Academy unit(s)
Organising Period: 2021/08, 2022/07, 2023/07, 2024/07
CUSA1101 Introduction to Environmental Chemistry
Content: Environmental chemistry deals with chemical processes occurring in the environment and the effects of human activities on them. This course intends to introduce the basic concepts of environmental chemistry and how the knowledge is applied to resolve environmental issues. Students will attend lectures on characteristics and chemical analysis of pollutants arising from human activities. Students will also learn the newest technologies of chemical treatment and pollution prevention. Equipped with scientific knowledge from the lectures, students will perform experiments to analyse pollutants in soil using advanced chemical instruments.

The CUHK community takes great care to conserve the campus ecology and environment. Other than classes, laboratory tour, campus tour and treasure hunt will be arranged for students to understand CUHK and our work for sustainable development, and to make the course more fruitful and enjoyable.



Category: Category II – Academy Credit-Bearing
Organising units:  Department of Chemistry, CUHK
Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S5-S6
Recognition: 1 Academy unit(s)
Organising Period:
SAYT1023 Glimpses of the Oceans – Credit-bearing Course on Marine Sciences Studies
海洋科學探索大學學分課程 ── 海洋物語
Content: This credit-bearing enhancement programme on marine sciences will be offered for gifted students from The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education. This course will give an overview of the oceans, including the characteristics and ecology of the various marine ecosystems, adaptation of organisms in various marine ecosystems, as well as the conservation and exploitation of marine resources. Students will learn the classification and adaptations of marine organisms through interacting with them, and gain hands-on experience on scientific research in marine sciences.
Category: Category I – University Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education (HKAGE)
Science Academy for Young Talent, Faculty of Science, CUHK
School of Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S4-S6
Recognition: 1 University unit(s)
Organising Period: 2010/07, 2011/07, 2012/06, 2013/07, 2014/07, 2015/07
SAYT2003 From Bio-Insights to Technology - Credit-bearing Course on Bionics
仿生學大學學分課程 ── 道法自然
Content: Bionics is the branch of science dedicated to the studying of the characteristics, structure or functions of bio-systems for innovations in developing new technology, it is also known as "Biomimicry" or "Biomimetics". Since its invention in the 1960s, bionics has developed quickly and widely applied in various fields of science and technology. This credit-bearing course on Bionics aims to introduce to the students the history, methodology and chief applications of bionics. Students will also gain hands-on experience in the process of bionics through participating in laboratory activities and in the group project.


Category: Category I – University Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
School of Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S4-S6
Recognition: 1 University unit(s)
Organising Period: 2011/07
SAYT2013 Glimpses of Modern Biotechnology – Credit-bearing Course on Biotechnology
生物科技大學學分課程 ── 現代生物科技初探
Content: The main theme of the programme will be the introduction of the key concepts and practical techniques in biotechnology and their application in various fields. Classroom-based teaching on concepts in biotechnology will be supplemented with tutorials and laboratory sessions. The laboratory sessions will be blended in with the group project to let the students reinforce the concepts and laboratory techniques which they have learnt. Generic skills such as reading scientific articles and laboratory manuals, interpretation of data, use of on-line data searching tools, and presentation skills will also be addressed. The students will conclude their research findings with a group presentation at the last day of the programme.


Category: Category I – University Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education (HKAGE)
School of Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S4-S6
Recognition: 1 University unit(s)
Organising Period: 2013/07, 2014/04, 2014/07, 2015/07
CUSA0013 Experiencing Local Ecosystems
Content: This programme on local ecosystems will be offered for gifted students from The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education. This course will give an overview of the nature of various local ecosystems, in-particular on woodlands and streams. The course will also focus on the conservation status of the local ecosystems. Students will gain hands-on experience on ecological research, and they will learn a lot about local organisms through identification of the organisms at the field.
Category: Category II – Academy Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
School of Life Sciences, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S4-S6
Recognition: 1 University unit(s)
Organising Period: 2010/09, 2011/10, 2012/11
CUSA0023 The Diary of Tai Po River, a Scientific Approach
Content: The course is a one day course (with 8 contact hours) covering the science aspects of pollution, it will be part of a theme based programme initiated by HKAGE on environmental pollution. The main theme of the course will be the introduction of the key concepts in environmental pollution and practical techniques of field biology investigation. Classroom-based teaching on concepts in pollution will be supplemented with tutorials and laboratory sessions. The course will be delivered in Cantonese, while printed material will be written in English or Chinese.

Objectives of the course:
1. To cultivate the spirit of intellectual exploration in Science concepts related to environmental pollution, in particular stream and water pollution; and
2. To enhance and further develop gifted students’ investigation, research and problem solving skills through Inquiry-Based Learning.


1. 以水質污染及河流污染為主體內容以培育學員對於與環境污染有關的科學概念的學術探究精神;及
2. 通過探究式學習去培育及提升資優學生的探究及解難技巧。

Category: Category II – Academy Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education (HKAGE)
School of Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S4-S6
Recognition: 0.5 Academy unit(s)
Organising Period: 2013/05
CUSA1003 Molecular Biology and Biotechnology: An Introduction
Content: The structure of DNA was discovered by Watson and Crick in 1953. Since then, molecular biology has been developed rapidly and changed our lives in many ways. Another important milestone in biotechnology was the invention of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) by Kary Mullis in 1983 to amplify DNA. One of the well-known examples using these new technologies is the production of recombinant insulin by bacteria for the treatment of diabetes. Now, these topics become part of the new senior secondary biology curriculum in Hong Kong. To prepare students for these challenges, this course aims at helping students to learn the major concepts and methods of molecular biology and biotechnology. Topics include DNA structure, principles of molecular biology and application of recombinant DNA technology. Students will gain hands-on experience in culturing bacteria, introducing foreign DNA into bacterial cells (bacterial transformation) for recombinant protein production, running PCR and using DNA electrophoresis for paternity test.

沃森(Watson)和克里克(Crick)於1953年解構了脫氧核醣核酸(DNA)的結構。從那時起,分子生物學得到迅速的發展,改變了我們生活的許多方面。及後凱利穆利斯(Kary Mullis)於1983年發明的聚合酶鏈反應(Polymearse Chain Reaction) DNA擴增技術,亦是生物科技另一個重要的里程碑。結合這些新技術,其中一項比較著名的應用,是利用細菌生產重組胰島素作治療糖尿病之用。現在分子生物學課題已成為香港新高中生物課程的一部分。為迎接這個挑戰,本課程旨在幫助學生加深認識/了解分子生物學和生物技術的概念和方法。主題包括DNA的結構,分子生物學原理和重組DNA技術的應用。學生將親身體驗如何將外來DNA放入細菌內(細菌轉化)生產重組蛋白,怎樣進行聚合酶鏈反應(PCR)和如何應用DNA電泳鑑定親子關係等。

Category: Category II – Academy Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Programme of Biochemistry, School of Life Sciences, CUHK
Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S5-S6
Recognition: 1-1.25 Academy unit(s)
Organising Period: 2011/07, 2012/07, 2013/07, 2014/07, 2015/07, 2016/07, 2017/07, 2018/07, 2019/07, 2021/07
CUSA1013 Great Discoveries in Biomedical Sciences (S5-S6)
生物醫學大發現 (S5-S6)
Content: This course aims at deciphering how the work of some famous scientists in the field of life sciences has affected our daily life and our society. The course first provides students with the general knowledge of some basic processes in life, namely biochemistry, cell biology, and immunology, followed by how the knowledge has helped us to cope with the natural adversities such as diseases. The improvements of our quality of life by the technological advances in life sciences will also be discussed. Finally, how the development in life sciences has brought revolutionizing impacts on our lives, civilization, and modernization will be presented. Through a series of learning activities, students are encouraged to comprehend and to connect the discoveries in life sciences to daily scenarios. This course is particularly suitable for students who want to understand more on how discoveries in life sciences, which have transformed the way we think and live throughout the centuries.


Category: Category II – Academy Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Biochemistry Programme, School of Life Sciences
Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S5-S6
Recognition: 1 Academy unit(s)
Organising Period: 2012/07, 2013/07, 2015/07
CUSA1013 Great Discoveries in Biomedical Sciences (S1-S3)
生物醫學大發現 (S1-S3)
Content: This course aims at deciphering how the work of some famous scientists in the field of life sciences has affected our daily life and our society. The course first provides students with the general knowledge of some basic processes in life, namely biochemistry, cell biology, and immunology, followed by how the knowledge has helped us to cope with the natural adversities such as diseases. The improvements of our quality of life by the technological advances in life sciences will also be discussed. Finally, how the development in life sciences has brought revolutionizing impacts on our lives, civilization, and modernization will be presented. Through a series of learning activities, students are encouraged to comprehend and to connect the discoveries in life sciences to daily scenarios. This course is particularly suitable for students who want to understand more on how discoveries in life sciences, which have transformed the way we think and live throughout the centuries.


Category: Category II – Academy Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Biochemistry Programme, School of Life Sciences
Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S1-S3
Recognition: 0.25-0.5 Academy unit(s)
Organising Period: 2016/08, 2018/08, 2022/08, 2023/07
CUSA1023 Great Discoveries in Biomedical Sciences Practical One
生物醫學大發現 實習一
Content: This practical course aims at supplementing the lecture courses CUSA2013 Great Discovery in Biomedical Sciences (Senior Class) or CUSA3003 Biological Science Student Knowledge Enhancement Course with some practical skills of literature research and scientific presentation.

本實習科旨在為修讀CUSA2013生物醫學大發現(高級班) 或 CUSA3003生命科學學生知識增進課程 之同學提供有關文獻研究和科學報告的實習。

Category: Category II – Academy Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Biochemistry Programme, School of Life Sciences
Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S5-S6
Recognition: 0.25-0.5 Academy unit(s)
Organising Period: 2015/07, 2023/08
CUSA1033 Great Discoveries in Biomedical Sciences Practical Two
生物醫學大發現 實習二
Content: This practical course aims at supplementing the lecture courses CUSA2013 Great Discovery in Biomedical Sciences (Senior Class) or CUSA3003 Biological Science Student Knowledge Enhancement Course with some practical skills of scientific method and data presentation.

本實習科旨在為修讀CUSA2013生物醫學大發現(高級班) 或 CUSA3003生命科學學生知識增進課程 之同學提供有關科學方法和數據表達的實習。

Category: Category II – Academy Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Biochemistry Programme, School of Life Sciences
Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S5-S6
Recognition: 0.25-0.5 Academy unit(s)
Organising Period: 2015/07, 2023/08
CUSA1041 Essentials of Organic Chemistry
Content: This course aims at introducing the essential concepts of organic chemistry and how it is closely related to our daily life. Students will learn the fundamental knowledge of organic chemistry with a particular emphasis on stereochemistry. Through lectures and video demonstration of important principles and interesting experiments, students will be introduced to lab techniques/instrumentation and scientific methods in organic chemistry. Students can therefore gain appreciation of the daily practice of a synthetic organic chemist in a university setting.


Category: Category II – Academy Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Department of Chemistry, CUHK
Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S4-S6
Recognition: 1 University unit(s)
Organising Period: Summer 2016; Summer 2017; Summer 2018; Summer 2019; Summer 2020
CUSA1103 Learning Biochemistry Through Games
Content: This course aims at facilitating S1-S3 students to learn some foundation biochemical principles through a series of group games. In this course, essential knowledge and concepts of biochemistry, such as 1) the Central Dogma: the synthesis of proteins in accordance with the genes stored in DNA, 2) fundamental principles and the importance of metabolic pathways to release of energy from food, and 3) basic practical skills of biochemistry by means of innovative technology are covered. Furthermore, this course emphasizes on the peer interaction and corporation in groups; where an enjoyable atmosphere will be fostered for our students to learn through the experiential learning of games.


Category: Category II – Academy Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Biochemistry Programme, School of Life Sciences
Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S1-S3
Recognition: 0.5 Academy unit(s)
Organising Period: 2019/07
CUSA2013 Great Discoveries in Biomedical Sciences (Senior Class)
生物醫學大發現 (高級班)
Content: This course aims at deciphering how the work of some famous scientists in the field of life sciences has affected our daily life and our society. The course first provides students with the general knowledge of some basic processes in life, namely biochemistry, cell biology, and immunology, followed by how the knowledge has helped us to cope with the natural adversities such as diseases. The improvements of our quality of life by the technological advances in life sciences will also be discussed. Finally, how the development in life sciences has brought revolutionizing impacts on our lives, civilization, and modernization will be presented. Through a series of learning activities, students are encouraged to comprehend and to connect the discoveries in life sciences to daily scenarios. This course is particularly suitable for students who want to understand more on how discoveries in life sciences, which have transformed the way we think and live throughout the centuries.


Category: Category II – Academy Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Biochemistry Programme, School of Life Sciences
Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S5-S6
Recognition: 1-1.25 Academy unit(s)
Organising Period: 2017/07, 2019/08, 2021/11, 2023/11
CUSA2023 Introduction to Bionics
Content: Bionics is the branch of science dedicated to the studying of the characteristics, structure or functions of bio-systems for innovations in developing new technology, it is also known as "Biomimicry" or "Biomimetics". Since 1960s, bionics has developed quickly and applied widely in various fields of science and technology. This course aims to introduce to the students the methodology and major applications of bionics. Students will also gain hands-on experience through participating in laboratory activities and in the group projects.


Category: Category II – Academy Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Biology Programme, School of Life Sciences
Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S2-S3
Recognition: 1-1.25 Academy unit(s)
Organising Period: 2012/07, 2013/07, 2014/08, 2015/08, 2016/07, 2017/08, 2018/08, 2019/08, 2020/08, 2021/08, 2021/11, 2022/08, 2023/08
CUSA2033 Glimpses of the Oceans
海洋科學探索課程 - 海洋物語
Content:  This course intends to offer an overview on the physical, chemical and biological aspects of the oceans, as well as to introduce the theoretical background and operation principles of laboratory instruments used in conducting marine/oceanographic researches. Efforts will also be made to enhance students’ critical thinking and problem solving skills through evaluating the impacts of human activities on marine ecosystems; and to arose students’ interest in the marine environment and realize it as a vital resource for the survival and development of our society.
Category: Category II – University Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education (HKAGE)
Science Academy for Young Talent, Faculty of Science, CUHK
School of Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S4 - S6
Recognition: 1.5 Academy unit(s)
Organising Period: Summer 2017
CUSA2043 An Ocean of Inspiration and Beauty
Content: The oceans cover 70% of the Earth’s surface and is the biggest biome on Earth as well as the most important component of the biosphere. Being the crater of life on Earth, the ocean is also the crucial factor for maintaining life on Earth. In the history of mankind, the oceans have been admired and greatly respected for its significance in the exploration of nature, as well as in the development of human civilization. This course intends to offer an overview of the oceans from perspectives such as culture, history, science, philosophy and arts; as well as to acknowledge the importance of the oceans to mankind and other life forms on Earth. The core concepts include the roles played by the oceans in the development of human civilization, the impact and reliance of human beings on the oceans, ocean processes and the physical, chemical and biological properties of the oceans, diversity of marine ecosystems and marine organisms, how marine organisms solve their specific problems and provide inspirations for solving human problems, the importance of the oceans in maintaining global climatic and ecological balances, as well as how we should protect, conserve and sustainably exploit the oceans for our future generations and all life forms on Earth.

海洋覆蓋了地球七成的表面,是地球最大的生物群系和生物圈最重要的部份。海洋既是地球上生命產的搖籃,又是維持生命的必要關鍵因素。 自古以來人類對神祕莫測的海洋既敬畏又嚮往;海洋是人類對自然的探索 以至文明的產生和發展過程中極重要部份。 本課程旨在讓學員從文化、歷史、科學、哲學、及藝術等角度去認識海洋;及了解海洋對人類以至其他生物的重要性。主要課程內容包括海洋在人類文明發展的角色、人類對海洋的影響和依賴、各種海洋過程及海洋的物理,化學,生物等方面的特性、海洋生態系和海洋生物的多樣性、海洋生物如何適應獨海洋環境並為人類提供解決問題的靈感、海洋在調節全球氣候和生態平衡的功能、及我們應如何維護、保育及永續地開發海洋等。

Category: Category II – Academy Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Biology Programme, School of Life Sciences
Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S4-S6
Recognition: 1.5 Academy unit(s)
Organising Period: 2018/08, 2019/08, 2020/07, 2021/09, 2022/07, 2023/08
CUSA3003 Biological Science Student Knowledge Enhancement Course
Content: The ‘Biological Science Knowledge Enhancement Course’ is designed specifically for Form 4 to Form 6 students, who are interested in Biological Science. The course is composed of two modules. In Module I of this course, the objectives are to provide the students with basic principles and concepts related to biological science. In Module II, the objectives are to provide the students with more specific knowledge related to the applications of biological science.


Category: Category II – Academy Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Biochemistry Programme, School of Life Sciences
Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S4-S6
Recognition: 1.75-2 Academy unit(s)
Organising Period: 2016/08, 2018/07, 2020/10, 2022/11
CUSA1024 STEM Training Course for High School Students (Mathematics)
STEM訓練課程 (數學)
Content: This course intends to facilitate students’ learning under STEM education, comprehensive knowledge on various related Mathematics topics as well as problem solving techniques will be covered in the course to supplement the teaching and training provided in high schools and to prepare students for the International Tuymaada Competition.
Category: Category II – University Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Science Academy for Young Talent, Faculty of Science, CUHK
Department of Mathematics, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S4 - S5
Recognition: 3.25 Academy unit(s)
Organising Period: 2018/01
SAYT1014Towards Modern Algebra (Enrichment Programme for Young Mathematics Talents)
數學英才精進計劃 ── 近世代數初探
Category: Category I – Academy Credit-Bearing
Organising units:
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S4-S5
Recognition: 1 University unit(s)
Organising Period: 2018/07, 2019/07, 2020/07, 2021/07, 2022/08, 2023/07
SAYT1034 Complex Numbers and Analytic Geometry (Enrichment Programme for Young Mathematics Talents)
數學英才精進計劃 ── 複數與解析幾何
Category: Category I – Academy Credit-Bearing
Organising units:
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S4-S5
Recognition: 1 University unit(s)
Organising Period: 2018/07, 2019/07, 2020/07, 2021/07, 2023/07
SAYT1054 Mathematical Analysis: an overture I (Enrichment Programme for Young Mathematics Talents)
數學英才精進計劃 ── 數學分析入門(一)
Category: Category I – Academy Credit-Bearing
Organising units:
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S6
Recognition: 1 University unit(s)
Organising Period: 2012/09, 2013/11, 2014/11, 2016/11
SAYT1064 Mathematical Analysis: an overture II (Enrichment Programme for Young Mathematics Talents)
Content: This course is a continuation of SAYT1054. It further develops the rigorous approach to the topics related to Calculus. Its aim is two-fold. On the one hand, students will be prepared for the foundation of mathematical analysis. On the other hand, students will consolidate the methods and techniques of calculus due to a deeper understanding of the underlying theory.


Category: Category I – Academy Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Department of Mathematics, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S6
Recognition: 1 University unit(s)
Organising Period: 2017/03
SAYT1114 Number Theory and Cryptography (Enrichment Programme for Young Mathematics Talents)
數學英才精進計劃 ── 數論與密碼學
Category: Category I – Academy Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Department of Mathematics, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S4-S6
Recognition: 2 University unit(s)
Organising Period: 2010/07, 2011/08, 2012/08, 2013/08, 2014/08, 2015/08, 2016/08, 2017/08, 2018/08, 2019/08, 2020/08, 2021/08, 2022/08, 2023/08
SAYT1134 Towards Differential Geometry (Enrichment Programme for Young Mathematics Talents)
數學英才精進計劃 ── 微分幾何初探
Category: Category I – Academy Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Department of Mathematics, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S5-S6
Recognition: 2 University unit(s)
Organising Period: 2010/06, 2011/07, 2012/07, 2013/07, 2014/07, 2015/07, 2016/08, 2017/07, 2018/08, 2019/08, 2020/08, 2021/07, 2023/08
SAYT1154 Mathematical Analysis: an overture (Enrichment Programme for Young Mathematics Talents)
數學英才精進計劃 ── 數學分析入門
Category: Category I – Academy Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Department of Mathematics, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S6
Recognition: 2 University unit(s)
Organising Period: 2012/02
SAYT1214 Understanding Non-Euclidean Geometry (Enrichment Programme for Young Mathematics Talents)
數學英才精進計劃 ── 非歐幾何賞析
Category: Category I – Academy Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Department of Mathematics, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S4-S6
Recognition: 2 University unit(s)
Organising Period: 2010/07, 2011/07, 2012/06, 2013/05, 2014/05, 2015/05, 2016/07, 2017/08, 2018/08, 2019/07, 2020/09
CUSA0104 Enrichment Mentoring Mathematics I (Enrichment Programme for Young Mathematics Talents)
數學英才精進計劃 ── 數學啓導修習I
Category: Category II – Academy Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Department of Mathematics, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S1-S3
Recognition: 2 Academy unit(s)
Organising Period: 2010/11, 2011/10, 2012/10, 2013/10
CUSA0114 Enrichment Mentoring Mathematics II (Enrichment Programme for Young Mathematics Talents)
數學英才精進計劃 ── 數學啓導修習II
Category: Category II – Academy Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Department of Mathematics, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S2-S4
Recognition: 2 Academy unit(s)
Organising Period: 2011/10, 2012/10, 2013/11
CUSA1014 Geometric Perspectives of Complex Numbers (Enrichment Programme for Young Mathematics Talents)
數學英才精進計劃 ── 複數的幾何面貌
Category: Category II – Academy Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Department of Mathematics, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S4-S6
Recognition: 1 Academy unit(s)
Organising Period: 2011/07, 2012/07, 2013/07, 2014/07, 2015/07, 2016/07, 2017/07
SAYT1005 Introduction to University Physics
Content: Systematically introduce the basic concepts for university physics in mechanics, including the concept of vectors, motions in 2 dimensions and 3 dimensions, and the relation between force and motion described by Newton’s three fundamental laws. It will lay a solid foundation for the students to start the physics courses at the university level.


Category: Category I – University Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Department of Physics, CUHK
Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S5-S6
Recognition: 1 University unit(s)
Organising Period: 2015/07, 2016/08, 2017/08, 2018/08, 2019/08, 2020/08, 2021/08, 2022/04, 2023/08
CUSA1015 Topics in NSS Physics Elective: Astronomy & Space Science
Content: This course aims at helping students to review the major concepts and methods of selected topics in the NSS Physics Elective: "Astronomy and Space Science". Topics include oribital motion and gravity, observation and studies of stars, Doppler effect and its application in modern astronomy. Students will gain hands-on experience of solving problems related to these topics as well as gaining new perspectives in modern astronomy beyond those covered the NSS syllabus.


Category: Category II – University Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Department of Physics, CUHK
Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S5-S6
Recognition: 1 Academy unit(s)
Organising Period: 2011/07
CUSA1025 Unravel the Mysteries of an Atom
Content: Although an atom is too small to be observed by using optical microscopes, the theoretical and experimental investigations by physicists in the early twentieth century have unraveled many mysteries of atoms. This course will bring students to retrace the thinking paths of these physicists, and participate in the scientific investigation of atoms. Students will learn the basic concepts of atomic physics and how to use modern instruments to determine electron charge, the mass of an electron, as well as the structure of a hydrogen atom. Techniques such as methods of error analysis and writing an experimental report will also be covered. This course includes lectures and experimental sessions.


Category: Category II – University Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Department of Physics, CUHK
Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S4-S6
Recognition: 1 Academy unit(s)
Organising Period: 2012/08
CUSA1035 Mysteries in the Atomic World
Content: This course will bring students to retrace the thinking paths of physicists in the early 20th century to unravel the mysteries of atoms. The course includes lectures, experiments, and a visit. Students will glimpse through the basic concepts of quantum physics, such as wave particle duality, quantization, wave function and its probabilistic interpretation, spin, and their applications to understand some atomic and nuclear phenomena, including energy levels in atoms, atomic spectra, formation of molecules, as well as a more advanced topic on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which is now widely applied to medical imaging.

Students will gain hands-on experience in using modern laboratory equipments to measure atomic spectra, and determine the charge mass ratio of electron. A visit to a company in Hong Kong Science and Technology Park will also be included to let students see the operation of a medical MRI machine.



Category: Category II – University Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Department of Physics, CUHK
Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S4-S6
Recognition: 1-1.5 Academy unit(s)
Organising Period: 2013/08, 2014/08, 2015/08, 2016/08, 2017/08, 2018/08, 2019/08, 2021/12, 2022/08, 2023/08
CUSA1045 Discovering the Universe
Content: Humans want to explore the universe by looking up into the sky since ancient times. This course offers the outline about the selected phenomena which were observable with naked eye. Upon finishing the course, students will acquire the development of modern astronomy, knowledge of the basic observational features of the sky, and the application of physical principles to astronomy.

The course includes lectures, experiments, and observation sessions. The experiments session is aimed to provide students with hand-on experience in basic physical principles and ideas in Astronomy. Student will have indoor observation of simulated night in class. Outdoor solar observation will be held if weather permits.


Category: Category II – University Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Department of Physics, CUHK
Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S4-S6
Recognition: 1 Academy unit(s)
Organising Period: 2013/08, 2014/08, 2015/08, 2016/07, 2018/08, 2021/08, 2023/08
CUSA1055 A Brief History of the Universe
Content: Cosmology is one of the most active research frontiers of current scientific investigation. With the tremendous progress in the past few decades, scientists have gradually formed a clear and dynamic picture of our Universe. In this course, we will go through the brief history of our Universe, including its content and the expanding history. We will also identify and learn a few important events that happened in the Universe, for example, the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) and the Cosmological Microwave Background (CMB). Along with the theoretical development, we will also explore the fascinating experimental and observational discoveries that further confirmed or overturned our understanding towards the Universe.

From this course, students will have a most up-to-date introduction towards our Universe. They will have a taste of the most active research ideas undergoing in current academic society.


Category: Category II – University Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, CUHK
Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S5-S6
Recognition: 1 Academy unit(s)
Organising Period: 2015/08
CUSA1075 Wonderful World of Physics
Content: This course is designed for students to learn about some basic physics topics and the important role of physics in understanding the way nature works. This course also allows students to learn the applications and development of physics in the modern world. Students will learn the basic physics topics including motions and forces, optics and waves, electricity and electric circuits, energy, etc.

This course includes lectures and hands-on experimental sessions.


Category: Category II – University Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Biochemistry Programme, School of Life Sciences
Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S2-S3
Recognition: 1.25 Academy unit(s)
Organising Period: 2020/11, 2021/11, 2022/10, 2023/11
CUSA1085 The Space Explorer’s Survival Guide to the Universe
Content: The universe is a dangerous place for us space explorers. To give you a fighting chance to survive the journey, we will discuss some basic mechanics, the law of gravity, astronomy, and other necessary physics. More importantly, since the laws of the universe are written in the language of mathematics, we need to go through some basic calculus (don’t be afraid, my friend) and elementary differential equations (now you can panic a little bit). We will also introduce you with the concept of scientific modelling, and learn to use computer to numerically solve problems (we will not use HAL 9000, for those of you who are worried). By the end of our course, you will be well equipped to apply the new tools to tackle a wide range of problems.

Some of you probably have never learned calculus before. While it could be intimidating at first, you can still do it if you put in effort. Some hands-on examples in our course should get you up to speed.

Now buckle up, and we will get started!

對我們這些太空探索者來說,宇宙是一個很危險的地方。為求讓你有能力完成旅程,我們會討論一些基本的力學、重力定律、天文學和其他必要的物理原理。更重要的是,宇宙的定律是用數學語言寫成的,因此我們需要進行學習一些基本的微積分(請不要太擔心......)和簡單的微分方程(你現可以有些少許恐慌了)。我們亦將會介紹科學建模的概念,並學習使用電腦來解決問題(放心,我們不會使用HAL 9000)。在課程結束時,你將會有能力應用這些新的工具來處理各種問題。



Category: Category II – University Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Department of Physics, CUHK
Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S4-S6
Recognition: 1.5 Academy unit(s)
Organising Period: 2021/07
SAYT1006 Risk Management and Actuarial Science
Content: The uncertainty in an event or an activity is known as risk. Risks are encountered in trivial events such as travelling and in professional activities such as business partnership. We take risk every day. This course provides a broad perspective on both current practices and mathematical theories of risk management. Topics include qualitative and quantitative classifications of risks, mathematical modelling of financial markets and derivatives, current financial issues and crises, and statistical analysis of financial data, mathematics of insurance and Actuarial Science. This course is designed for the students who are interested in the scientific and mathematical aspects of risk management, financial market and actuarial science.


Category: Category I – University Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Department of Statistics, CUHK
Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S4-S6
Recognition: 1 University unit(s)
Organising Period: 2016/08, 2017/08, 2018/08, 2019/08, 2020/09, 2021/09, 2022/09, 2023/07
SAYT1016 Unlocking the Secrets of Randomness: from Paradoxes to Sport Predictive Modeling to Algorithmic Trading
Content: Uncertainty exists in many real-life problems, ranging from stock returns to sport results to medication effects to election outcomes. Statistics offers methods to handle uncertainty with a higher precision. This course introduces ways to define, model and forecast uncertainty through real-life examples and counterintuitive phenomena. Topics include exchange paradox, Simpson’s paradox, linear regression model, non-parametric regression model, historical simulation, and k-mean clustering.

不確定性存在於許多現實生活中的問題,例子涵蓋股票回報、運動結果、藥物效果、選舉結果等。統計科學提供了具更高準定性的方法,以處理不確定性的問題。本課程以實際示例和違反直覺的現象引導,來定義、模型和預測不確定性。主題包括替換悖論,辛普森悖論,線性迴歸模型,非參數迴歸模型,歷史模擬法,k 平均演算法。

Category: Category I – University Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Department of Statistics, CUHK
Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S4-S5
Recognition: 1 University unit(s)
Organising Period:
CUSA1006 Introduction to Probability and its applications in Statistics
Content: The primary goal of this course is to introduce basic concepts of probability. Several popular probability distribution models and their applications will be discussed. Students will learn more about probability and its use in solving real-world problems.


Category: Category II – University Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Department of Statistics, CUHK
Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S5-S6
Recognition: 1 Academy unit(s)
Organising Period: 2014/07
CUSA1016 Statistical Reasoning and Data Exploration
Content: This course aims at introducing the ideas of statistical reasoning and understanding the characteristics of data. Students will learn to draw scientific conclusions through hypothesis testing, identify the properties of various statistical studies, and summarize data through scatter plot and contingency table. Through group discussions and computer lab demonstrations, students will learn to assess the reliability of statistical studies appeared in the newspaper articles, and identify possible issues when visualizing the data.


Category: Category II – University Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Department of Statistics, CUHK
Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S4-S6
Recognition: 1 Academy unit(s)
Organising Period: 2019/07
CUSA1026 Statistical Modeling and Big Data Analysis
Content: Data from various fields, such as climatology, finance and sports, exhibit different properties. This course aims to use the R-package (a statistical software) to visualize the properties of the data, fit the data into various statistical models, assess model performance and predict the data. Topics include exploratory data analysis, time series models, hidden Markov models, classification trees, Poisson process and analysis of big data problems. Students will gain hands-on experience in statistical programming at the computer lab.


Category: Category II – University Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Department of Statistics, CUHK
Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S4-S6
Recognition: 1 Academy unit(s)
Organising Period: 2019/08, 2020/08, 2021/08, 2022/07, 2023/08
CUSA1046 Laws of Real Data and Simulated Data
Category: Category II – University Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Department of Statistics, CUHK
Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S4-S6
Recognition: 1.5 Academy unit(s)
Organising Period:
CUSA1007 Climate Physics and Chemistry
Content: This course presents an integrated scientific introduction to our climate system, focusing on the physics and chemistry of the atmosphere and ocean. The course applies basic scientific and mathematical principles to explain the history, current state and future projections of weather and climate, natural hazards, human-induced climate change, as well as their impacts on natural ecosystems and human society. Students will learn to build a simple climate model using computer software.


Category: Category II – Academy Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Earth System Science Programme, CUHK
Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S4-S6
Recognition: 1-1.25 Academy unit(s)
Organising Period: 2015/08, 2016/08, 2017/08, 2018/08, 2019/08, 2020/11, 2021/08
CUSA1017 Weather and Climate
Content: This course will offer basic understanding of how the weather and climate work and how humans make use of our scientific understanding to perform weather forecasts. Different atmospheric phenomena including cloud formation, land-sea breeze, ocean current, atmospheric jet stream and cyclones will be introduced. Demonstrations and hands-on experiments will be available to facilitate understanding. The interpretation of the phenomena in weather charts and how to understand forecast output from models will also be discussed. Studies of climate starting from the perspectives of the climate of Hong Kong to the scale of global climate change will be covered. Furthermore, the quantitative method of examining an atmosphere-ocean cycle, namely the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), will allow students to look beyond the usual narrative of the ENSO effect.


Category: Category II – Academy Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Earth and Environmental Sciences Programme (EESC), Faculty of Science, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S3-S6
Recognition: 1 Academy unit(s)
Organising Period: 2023/08, 2024/08
CUSA1009 Unravelling the Mysteries of Nanotechnology
Content: Nanotechnology is an emerging technology with a significant impact on daily life. Students could acquire the knowledge on the concept of Nanotechnology, basic theories of Nanotechnology and Application of Nanotechnology in Biology, Chemistry, Medical Science and Physics through lectures and experiments. This course is particularly suitable for students who are interested in nanotechnology research.


Category: Category II – Academy Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Faculty of Science, CUHK
National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Ubiquity vision Co.,Ltd, Taiwan
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S2-S4
Recognition: 1-1.5 Academy unit(s)
Organising Period: 2013/07, 2014/07, 2015/08, 2016/08, 2017/08
STEM1000 Communicating with Light: An Introduction to Optical Communication Technology
Content: This course introduces the physical principles and technology of transmitting information (such as "voice“) using electromagnetic waves (light). Through lab projects, students will explore (1) how light can be modulated to encode information and (2) how multiple information signals can be transmitted simultaneously through frequency-division multiplexing (i.e., through use of different wavelengths of light). Students will also learn how to measure the quality of transmission by performing signals comparison with the aid of Statistics and Calculus and understand the basic concepts and applications of electromagnetic waves, quantum physics and solid-state electronics.


Category: Category I – University Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Faculty of Engineering, CUHK
Faculty of Science, CUHK
Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S6
Recognition: 3 University unit(s)
Organising Period:
STEM1010 Solar Tracking System
Content: Large energy demand and the need to protect our environment have made the development of clean and renewable energy sources an extremely important and urgent task. Using solar energy, photovoltaic technology, which delivers electricity directly from sunlight, provides a clean and effective approach to solve the energy and environment crisis. In this course, we combine fundamental science basics with hands-on engineering projects, i.e. building a solar tracking system using 3D printing technique, to give students a comprehensive understanding on relevant knowledge. Students will learn the fundamentals of solid-state physics, p-n junction, photovoltaic cells, trigonometry, complex number, ordinary differential equation, 3D printing materials, SolidWorks designs and solar cell testing.


Category: Category I – University Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Faculty of Engineering, CUHK
Faculty of Science, CUHK
Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S6
Recognition: 3 University unit(s)
Organising Period:
STEM1020 Robotics in the Real-World (STEM)
Content: The course will cover some basic elements within robotics, from the introduction to the role of robotics in the modern society, the history and the state-of-the-art developments in robotics, to some basic concepts in robotics related to the modelling, control and feedback. In addition to lecture classes, the hands-on component would allow students to apply their learnt knowledge to enable robot manipulators to perform some specific tasks.
Category: Category I – University Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Faculty of Engineering, CUHK
Faculty of Science, CUHK
Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S4-S6
Recognition: 2-3 University unit(s)
Organising Period: 2019/08, 2023/08
STEM1040 A Trilogy of Hands-on Machine Learning
Content: Artificial intelligence (AI) is all the rage these days. We are promised a future of more gadgets and services with AI-powered features such as intelligent chatbots, virtual assistants, and self-driving cars. The current AI boom was largely fuelled by breakthroughs in an area known as machine learning. It involves training computers to perform tasks based on examples rather than programming by a human. A branch of this approach called deep learning has made it more promising for solving perceptual problems such as image classification, face recognition, and natural language processing.

This course offers a hands-on exploration of machine learning through a trilogy approach: mathematical concepts, algorithms, and programming. We will begin with introducing what machine learning is, how it works, and what it can achieve. With a comprehensive treatment of the mathematics and theories involved, we will walk through typical implementations of artificial neural networks to see how the theories turn into practice. Then we will move on to teaching students to make some interesting AI applications (e.g. games) using the Python programming language and machine learning frameworks such as TensorFlow and Keras.



Category: Category I – University Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, CUHK
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, CUHK
Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S4-S6
Recognition: 2 University unit(s)
Organising Period: 2021/08
STEM1050 Micro-and Nano-technology for Biosensing
Category: Category I – University Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, CUHK
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, CUHK
Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S4-S6
Recognition: 2 University unit(s)
Organising Period: 2022/08
STEM1060 Sustainable Energy Toward Carbon Neutrality
Content: The global climate change is a major challenge confronting our generation. It is crucial to identify sustainable energy solutions that effectively reduce carbon emissions and pave the way for an affordable, reliable, and lowcarbon future. This course is designed to give students an overview of the following topics: carbon capture and utilisation, energy storage, renewable energy, smart power grids, integrated energy systems, carbon accounting and management. This course also consists of laboratory sections for students to acquire hands-on experience. After taking this course, students are expected to gain a comprehensive understanding of these topics, enabling them to better contribute to building a sustainable energy future.


Category: Category I – University Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, CUHK
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S4-S6
Recognition: 2 University unit(s)
Organising Period: 2024/08
STEM1070 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Content: Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing various industries, from healthcare and finance to transportation and entertainment. This course aims to provide you with a solid foundation in both the mathematical concepts necessary for AI and the practical skills required for machine learning.

We will cover essential mathematical topics such as linear algebra, calculus, and probability theory, exploring how they relate to AI and its algorithms. Once we have established a mathematical and statistical foundations, we will delve into the exciting world of machine learning. You will learn about different types of machine learning algorithms, including supervised and unsupervised learning, and understand how these algorithms can be used to make predictions, recognize patterns, and make intelligent decisions. This course will incorporate hands-on projects and practical exercises. You will have the opportunity to apply your knowledge to real-world problems, working with popular machine learning libraries and tools. By engaging in these practical activities, you will develop valuable skills in data analysis, model development, and evaluation.



Category: Category I – University Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Department of Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, CUHK
Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, CUHK
Department of Statistics, Faculty of Science, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S4-S6
Recognition: 2 University unit(s)
Organising Period: 2024/07
CUSA3000 Chemistry and Biochemistry for Extended Science Research Projects
Content: The course aims at helping students to learn the major concepts and methods of chemistry and biochemistry. Topics include simple organic chemistry, principles of molecular biology, scientific methods and skills for research. Students will gain hands-on experience of using modern technology such as infrared spectroscopy and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for running research projects.

本課程旨在幫助學生學習化學與生物化學的概念和方法。主題包括簡單有機化學,分子生物學原理和科學棎究的方法與技巧。學生將親身體驗如何應用現代科技諸如紅外光譜與聚合酶鏈反應(Polymearse Chain Reaction)技術在科學探究項目之應用。

Category: Category II – University Credit-Bearing
Organising units: School of Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, CUHK
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S4-S5
Recognition: 4.5 Academy unit(s)
Organising Period: 2016
CUSA3010 Student Training Course for International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO) Phase 1
Content: The programme aims to:

Enhance students’ ability and knowledge to attain a high level of competence in science;
Provide student the accelerated learning experience in sciences;
Enhance the thinking skills and problem-solving skills of students;
Identify the most capable students, through the 3-phase screening training programme, to represent HK to participate in IJSO.
In order to select and train the delegates to participate in the International Junior Science Olympiad which is held on December every year, HKAGE commissioned the Faculty of Science of CUHK to provide student training programme. It will last for about 12 months and consist of 3 phases. The whole programme will consist of a minimum of 210 face-to-face teaching hours, including lecture, tutorial, discussion and laboratory session. In Phase 1 training, it mainly consists of lectures and tutorial with 48 teaching hours. Screening tests will be conducted in the Phase 1 training. Students with 80% or above attendance who deliver satisfactory performances in assessments in the course will be awarded academy credits. The best 15 students will be selected to participate in the Phase 2 Training.



Category: Category II – University Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education (HKAGE)
Science Academy for Young Talent, Faculty of Science, CUHK
School of Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, CUHK
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, CUHK
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S2-S3
Recognition: 3 Academy unit(s)
Organising Period: 11th: 2013/11, 12th: 2014/11, 13th: 2015/11, 14th: 2016/11, 15th: 2017/11, 16th: 2018/11, 17th: 2019/11, 18th: 2020/11, 19th: 2021/11, 20th: 2022/11, 21st: 2023/11
CUSA3020 Student Training Course for International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO) Phase 2
Content: The programme aims to:

Enhance students’ ability and knowledge to attain a high level of competence in science;
Provide student the accelerated learning experience in sciences;
Enhance the thinking skills and problem-solving skills of students;
Identify the most capable students, through the 3-phase screening training programme, to represent HK to participate in IJSO.
In order to select and train the delegates to participate in the International Junior Science Olympiad which is held on December every year, HKAGE commissioned the Faculty of Science of CUHK to provide student training programme. It will last for about 12 months and consist of 3 phases. The whole programme will consist of a minimum of 210 face-to-face teaching hours, including lecture, tutorial, discussion and laboratory session. In Phase 2 training, it mainly consists of lectures, tutorial and laboratory session with 54 teaching hours. Screening tests will be conducted in the Phase 2 training. Students with 80% or above attendance who deliver satisfactory performances in assessments in the course will be awarded academy credits. The best 6 students will be selected to participate in the Phase 3 Training.



Category: Category II – University Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education (HKAGE)
Science Academy for Young Talent, Faculty of Science, CUHK
School of Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, CUHK
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, CUHK
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S2-S3
Recognition: 3 Academy unit(s)
Organising Period: 11th: 2014/04, 12th: 2015/04, 13th: 2016/04, 14th: 2017/04, 15th: 2018/04, 16th: 2019/04, 17th: 2020/04, 18th: 2021/04, 19th: 2022/04, 20th: 2023/04, 21st: 2024/04
CUSA3030 Student Training Course for International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO) Phase 3
Content: The programme aims to:

Enhance students’ ability and knowledge to attain a high level of competence in science;
Provide student the accelerated learning experience in sciences;
Enhance the thinking skills and problem-solving skills as well as laboratory skills of students;
Widen students’ knowledge and raise their aspirations and confidence in competing with contestants in cross-regional and international competitions; and
Identify the most capable students, through the 3-phase screening training programme, to represent HK to participate in IJSO.
In order to select and train the delegates to participate in the International Junior Science Olympiad which is held on December every year, HKAGE commissioned the Faculty of Science of CUHK to provide student training programme. It will last for about 12 months and consist of 3 phases. The whole programme will consist of a minimum of 210 face-to-face teaching hours, including lecture, tutorial, discussion and laboratory session. In Phase 3 training, it consists of 108 face-to-face teaching hours to consolidate the theoretical and experimental skills in sciences of students. Students with 80% or above attendance and have satisfactory performances in the course will be awarded academy credits. Students with good performance in the course will represent Hong Kong to participate in the IJSO.



Category: Category II – University Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education (HKAGE)
Science Academy for Young Talent, Faculty of Science, CUHK
School of Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, CUHK
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, CUHK
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S2-S3
Recognition: 6 Academy unit(s)
Organising Period: 11th: 2014/07, 12th: 2015/07, 13th: 2016/07, 14th: 2017/07, 15th: 2018/07, 16th: 2019/07, 17th: 2020/07, 18th: 2021/07, 19th: 2022/07, 20th: 2023/07, 21st: 2024/07
SAYT2000 Scientific Insights Forum
Content: The main theme of the programme will be Scientific Research. The training will include the fundamental principles of scientific research, which will be introduced through a series of lectures. Participants will then join one of the seven scientific projects and gain hands-on experience in performing scientific research. At the end of the programme participants will complete their training by reporting their findings both orally and in form of a poster in a mini-symposium.
Category: Category I – University Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Expected applicants: Students who are S3 or above
Recognition: 2 Academy unit(s)
Organising Period: March to June 2011
SAYT1001 Bondings in Organic Compounds, and Reactivity and Selectivity of Organic Reactions
Content: This course is designed to allow students to have a basic understanding about the bonding and structures of organic molecules and ions, and their influences on the molecular properties of organic compounds, and the reactivity and selectivity of some organic reactions. This course will focus on the stability of reaction intermediates, and the reactivity and selectivity of addition reactions, nucleophilic substitutions, eliminations, and electrophilic aromatic substitutions.


Category: Category: I – University Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Department of Chemistry, CUHK
Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S4-S6
Recognition: 1 University unit(s)
Organising Period: 2021/08, 2022/08, 2023/08, 2023/11, 2024/07
CUSA1011 Science Summer Course for Secondary School Students - Air Analysis in Changing Climate
Content: Breathing is vital to us. We cannot survive without proper breathing even for a few minutes. Although breathable air seems to be available everywhere, the air that we breathe everyday may contain some harmful contaminants that have various short-term and long-term effects to our health. This course introduces the possible sources of some commonly found indoor and outdoor airborne contaminants (e.g. formaldehyde, particulate matter, sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides, carbon dioxide and volatile organic compounds) and their health effects, methods for monitoring the levels of these contaminants and the corresponding legislation for control. The course includes two laboratory sessions which allow students to acquire practical experience on measuring airborne contaminants using different types of devices.
Category: Category II – Academy Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Department of Chemistry, CUHK
Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S4-S6
Recognition: N/A
Organising Period: 2010/07
CUSA1021 Analysis in Modern Chemistry
Content: This course aims at introducing the basic concepts and techniques in carrying out chemical analysis by using various modern spectroscopic and chromatographic instruments. Students will learn how to use modern instruments to determine the amounts of substances present in a mixture down to part per million levels (ppm), and identify the structure of a compound. Techniques such as infrared spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, UV-Vis spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, gas chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography will be covered. This course will also discuss some common standard practices of collecting and preparing samples for laboratory testing, the accreditation system in testing laboratories.


Category:  Category II – Academy Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Department of Chemistry, CUHK
Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S5-S6
Recognition: 1-1.25 Academy unit(s)
Organising Period: 2011/07, 2012/07, 2013/07, 2014/07, 2015/07, 2016/07, 2018/07, 2019/08, 2020/08, 2021/07, 2022/04, 2023/07
CUSA1031 The Chemistry and Chemical Analysis of Biomolecules
Content: Biomolecules are loosely defined as molecules found in biological system. In the biological system, carbohydrate, protein, lipid, nucleic acid and enzyme are key biomolecules. This course covers the chemical structures of these biomolecules and their roles in biological systems. Besides, we will talk about some interesting topics that you encounter very often in daily life. For example, how do artificial sweeteners differ from table sugar? Why do artificial sweeteners have low or even zero calorie contents? Can we unboil an egg? What causes aging? Is there any method to reverse the aging process? Finally, we will talk about the basic principles of chemical analysis for various biomolecules in foods. This course comprises of both lectures and experimental sessions.


Category: Category II – Academy Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Department of Chemistry, CUHK
Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S5-S6
Recognition: 1.25-1.5 Academy unit(s)
Organising Period: 2016/08, 2017/08, 2018/07
CUSA1041 Essentials of Organic Chemistry
Content: This course aims at introducing the essential concepts of organic chemistry and how it is closely related to our daily life. Students will learn the fundamental knowledge of organic chemistry with a particular emphasis on stereochemistry. Through lectures and video demonstration of important principles and interesting experiments, students will be introduced to lab techniques/instrumentation and scientific methods in organic chemistry. Students can therefore gain appreciation of the daily practice of a synthetic organic chemist in a university setting.


Category: Category II – Academy Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Department of Chemistry, CUHK
Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S4-S6
Recognition: 1-1.5 Academy unit(s)
Organising Period: 2016/07, 2017/08, 2018/08, 2019/08, 2020/08, 2021/08, 2022/04, 2023/08, 2024/08
CUSA1051 STEM Training Course for High School Students (Chemistry)
STEM訓練課程 (化學)
Content:  This course intends to facilitate students’ learning under STEM education, concept and theory of Chemistry at the advanced level will be covered in the course to supplement the teaching and training provided in high schools and to prepare students for the International Tuymaada Competition.
Category: Category II – Academy Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Science Academy for Young Talent, Faculty of Science, CUHK
Department of Chemistry, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S4-S5
Recognition: 3 Academy unit(s)
Organising Period: 2018/01
CUSA1061 Innovative Chemistry STEM Programme: Introduction to Smart Coating
Content: A coating is a layer that is applied to the surface of an object for functional, decorative or both purposes. Painting is one of the most conventional types of coating for wall, metal surface or glass surface to retard corrosion or mold formation of the base surface. Smart coating refers to a coating which is able to sense its environment and make an appropriate response to that stimulus.

In this programme, students will learn the most advanced coating technology. Students will attend lectures on the coating theory and chemical instrumentation for coating in the morning. Equipped with the specific scientific knowledge from the lecture, students will make use of what they have learnt to perform exciting experiments in the afternoon. The experiments include to design and fabricate superhydrophobic and heat-resistant coatings, to construct a thermometer by themselves, to handle and analyze data of various paints, and to determine volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in different paints using sophisticated chemical instruments with the latest technology.

Learning should not be confined to classrooms. Other than STEM education, students are going to have a glimpse into our chemistry curriculum and CUHK. Admission talk, laboratory tour, campus tour and CUHK treasure hunt will be arranged for students, so as to make the programme more fruitful and enjoyable for students.


本活動將介紹尖端塗層科技。上午時段以授課形式為主,同學將會學習塗層的基本原理及化學儀器。下午時段則以實驗為主題,同學將會把上午課堂的科學知識學以致用,親自設計和調配防水和隔熱塗層。同學亦會利用所學知識親動手製造溫度計。在實驗中,同學將會接觸到各種類型塗層的數據,並運用所學技能進行數據分析。除此之外,同學更會操作尖端科技的化學儀器,進行塗層的揮發性有機化合物 (VOCs) 含量檢測。


Category: Category II – Academy Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Science Academy for Young Talent, Faculty of Science, CUHK
Department of Chemistry, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S5-S6
Recognition: 1.75 Academy unit(s)
Organising Period: 2018/07, 2019/07
CUSA1061 Innovative Chemistry STEM Programme: Chemistry in Fighting Diseases
Category: Category II – Academy Credit-Bearing
Organising units: Centre for Promoting Science Education, CUHK
Science Academy for Young Talent, Faculty of Science, CUHK
Department of Chemistry, CUHK
Expected applicants: promoting to or studying S5-S6
Recognition: 1.5 Academy unit(s)
Organising Period: 2021/07
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